Video installation with sound. 3 DVD projectors, mirrors.

"Fin de Cycle" by Patrice Felix Tchicaya is an evocative video installation that engages viewers both visually and conceptually. The artwork's title, which translates to "End of Cycle," suggests themes of completion, transition, and perhaps reflection on the cyclical nature of events, time, or personal experiences.

The installation's incorporation of mirrors is a critical element that reflects both the physical presence of the viewers and the video content, creating a layered experience of reality and mediated imagery. This dual reflection can symbolize the introspective process of evaluating one's place within broader societal, historical, or personal cycles. By placing viewers within the visual narrative of the artwork, Tchicaya blurs the boundaries between the observer and the observed, inviting a more immersive and self-reflective engagement with the themes presented.

Tchicaya's style in "Fin de Cycle" leverages the spatial dynamics of the installation space to create an immersive environment. The use of video projections and mirrors transforms the gallery space into an integral component of the artwork, rather than serving merely as a backdrop. This choice reflects a contemporary approach to art, where the experience of the artwork becomes as significant as the visual content itself. The interplay of light, reflection, and moving images contributes to a dynamic and ephemeral aesthetic that underscores the transient nature of cycles and the fluidity of personal and collective narratives.