About the creator of Artspace

Danya Raquel Flowers

I'm a writer by trade and a thinker by nature, with a BA Hons in Performing and Visual Arts. This website serves as a pivotal element of my MA in Digital Arts, conducted through rigorous research. My role as a copywriter at a boutique development house fuels my passion for storytelling and continuous learning.

In September 2023, under the mentorship of Simon Njami, I had the privilege of attending the AtWork workshop. This enriching experience broadened my perspective on contemporary art and its practices.

Johannesburg, South Africa, is not just my birthplace but also my home. This city's vibrant energy and rich cultural tapestry deeply influence my work. My artistic endeavours seek to bridge traditional art forms with digital technology, creating innovative narratives that resonate in the digital age. I am dedicated to exploring the digital and physical realms, aiming to uncover new ways of expression and connection.


Embarking on this journey has truly been a ride of a lifetime, made all the more remarkable thanks to the incredible circle of people around me. First off, thanks to my husband, Kevin, for always reminding me of my passion for art, especially when the going got tough. Kev, your belief in me has been my rock, and I'm so grateful for your constant encouragement and reminders of why I started this journey.

A huge shoutout to my parents and brothers—your endless encouragement and belief in my dreams have been the real MVPs here. Your support has been my rock, pushing me to keep going even when the going got tough. I'm endlessly grateful for your love and unwavering faith in me.

Big props to my team. Thanks for taking the time to give feedback and for putting up with all my questions, no matter how trivial they might have seemed.

My heartfelt appreciation goes to my supervisor, Keiran Reid, whose guidance has been invaluable.

To everyone who's been part of this journey—thank you! Your support and encouragement have been the driving force behind this project, and I'm incredibly grateful to each one of you.

Thoughts & Theory

A bunch of blog-like posts that delve deep into my journey of creating this site & essays I've written, both relating to this research and beyond.
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