Un ange passe

Ymane Fakhir
C Prints

"Un Ange Passe" (2003) by Ymane Fakhir is a compelling photographic series that vividly captures the rich pageantry and vibrant celebration of a Moroccan wedding. Through this artwork, Fakhir deftly navigates the viewer into the heart of Moroccan cultural traditions, presenting a narrative that contrasts starkly with the typically inconspicuous social positioning of Moroccan women. In this exceptional context, the bride, adorned and celebrated, emerges as the luminous focal point, her presence magnified by the meticulous preparations and elaborate rituals that define the event. This momentary departure from the everyday life underscores a remarkable instance in Moroccan society where the bride, often seen but not noticed, becomes the undeniable center of attention, celebrated within the framework of traditional norms.

The artwork consists of C-Prints, each measuring 60 x 90 cm, capturing the essence of the occasion with clarity and vibrancy. Through Fakhir's lens, the viewer is invited to witness a moment that transcends the ordinary, where the grandeur of the wedding celebration contrasts with the usual lives of the bride and groom. The series not only celebrates the cultural richness of Moroccan wedding traditions but also provokes contemplation on the roles and visibility of women in Moroccan society. "Un Ange Passe" serves as both a testament to cultural heritage and a commentary on societal norms, encapsulating a fleeting moment where tradition and transformation converge.