Three Cities Triptych (Cape Town, Durban, Johannesburg)

Rodney Place
Mixed media and casting resin

"Three Cities Triptych" by Rodney Place is a mixed media and casting resin artwork measuring 123.5 x 287 cm, created in 2002. This piece was featured in the "Africa Remix" exhibition and serves as a visual narrative capturing the essence and diversity of three significant South African cities: Cape Town, Durban, and Johannesburg. The triptych format allows Place to explore and juxtapose the complex identities, histories, and urban landscapes of these cities, providing a comprehensive and insightful reflection on urban life in South Africa.

Through his use of mixed media, Place delves into the unique characteristics of each city, highlighting their cultural and social dynamics. Cape Town, known for its scenic beauty and complex history, Durban, with its vibrant Indian Ocean port and multicultural population, and Johannesburg, the bustling economic hub with a rich yet turbulent past, are all depicted in ways that evoke their distinct atmospheres. The artwork offers viewers an opportunity to contemplate the multifaceted nature of these urban environments, addressing themes such as diversity, socio-economic contrasts, and the ongoing evolution of South African cities in the post-apartheid era.

"Three Cities Triptych" stands as a testament to Place's ability to weave together different elements and textures, creating a rich tapestry that mirrors the urban complexity and cultural richness of South Africa. Through this piece, viewers are invited to engage with the layered stories and identities that define these cities, offering a window into the broader narrative of contemporary South African life.