
Luis Pedro Basto
C Prints

"Maputo" by Luís Basto is a poignant photographic series that captures the essence of Mozambique's capital. As a self-taught photographer known for his distinctive visual language, Basto offers an intimate glimpse into the city's complex narrative. Through his lens, the series unveils the resilience and survival spirit of its inhabitants against the backdrop of decades marked by conflict and peace. Basto's work stands as a testament to the enduring spirit of Maputo's people, navigating the remnants of past struggles while embracing the nuances of their urban environment.

The "Maputo" series is more than a collection of images; it's a deeply reflective exploration of urban survival and the imprints of history on the city's present. Basto's narrative weaves through the city's architecture, its people, and the spaces they inhabit, capturing the essence of resilience amid the remnants of conflict. The photographer's statement poignantly reflects on the lost decades and the fate of a generation ensnared by wars not of their making, highlighting the disjunction between those who remember the strife and those born into the ensuing peace.

Basto's work in "Maputo" transcends mere documentation, delving into the city's soul through its "windows" and "doors," and the reflections of its "contradictory" citizens. His photographs are a dialogue with the city, framing not just the passage of time but the transformation of urban space as a crucible of collective memory and identity. Through Basto's lens, Maputo emerges not merely as a geographic location but as a living, breathing entity, marked by its past but moving towards an undefined future.

This series, thus, stands as a profound meditation on the complexities of urban existence in post-conflict Mozambique, offering a window into the lives shaped by the city's tumultuous history. Luís Basto's "Maputo" is a compelling narrative of resilience, memory, and identity, articulated through the universal language of photography.