Cosmogonicos. Masks I - III

N'Dilo Mutima
C Prints

The "Cosmogonicos. Masks I - III" series by N'Dilo Mutima is a vivid conceptual exploration of themes such as identity, visibility, and the interaction between technology and humanity. These artworks engage with critical discourses on authenticity, the impact of digital media on art perception, and the interplay between the physical and virtual realms.

In "Cosmogonicos. Masks I - III," Mutima utilizes elements like television monitors, cardboard, and a red-colored, translucent strip to symbolize the influence of modern technology on human identity and perception. The depiction of figures as shirtless adds an element of vulnerability, highlighting the nuanced ways in which our identities are shaped and perceived through both digital and physical masks. This visual metaphor invites viewers to consider how these mediums can obscure or alter our self-image and understanding of others.

The series aligns with broader discussions in contemporary art about the role of digital media in reshaping our perceptions of self and others in the global digital age. By juxtaposing traditional and modern elements, Mutima's work prompts reflection on the evolving nature of identity and authenticity in a world increasingly mediated by technology.