
Titos (Fernando Agostinho Mabota)


Bamboo, Fabric, Wood


An artwork by Titos Fernando Agostinho Mabota, using bamboo, fabric, and wood, likely exploring themes of travel, innovation, and cultural expression.

"Plane" by Titos Fernando Agostinho Mabota is an artwork crafted from bamboo, fabric, and wood. This piece likely explores themes of travel, innovation, and cultural expression. Mabota's choice of natural and traditional materials suggests a deep connection to his cultural heritage, while also symbolizing the fusion of tradition and modernity.

The use of bamboo and wood can be seen as a nod to traditional craftsmanship and the natural environment, grounding the artwork in a sense of place and cultural identity. Meanwhile, the incorporation of fabric and the conceptual focus on a "plane" may evoke ideas of movement, progress, and the bridging of different worlds or cultures. This juxtaposition of materials and themes reflects the artist's engagement with the dynamic interplay between past and present, local and global, and traditional and contemporary influences.

Through "Plane," Mabota invites viewers to consider the journey—literal or metaphorical—of cultural evolution and the ways in which heritage and innovation can coexist and enrich each other. The artwork becomes a metaphor for exploration and discovery, highlighting the possibilities that arise when different materials, ideas, and traditions come together.

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