Titos (Fernando Agostinho Mabota)

Mabota's art is rooted in a desire to change life and be comprehensible to his community.

Fernando Agostinho Mabota, known as Titos Mabota, was born in 1963 and passed away in 2017. He lived and worked in Maputo, Mozambique, contributing significantly to the contemporary rendering of traditional makondé sculpture, a prestigious artistic expression in Africa. His works are distinctive, meticulously executed over long periods, and often reflect on notions of good, evil, and truth.

He studied Fine Arts at the School of Fine Arts in Maputo and later earned a scholarship to study in Cuba, where he specialized in sculpture.Titos was a prolific artist who worked in various mediums, including painting, sculpture, and printmaking. He was known for his use of vibrant colors and bold forms in his work, which often depicted scenes from Mozambican life, including its people, landscapes, and cultures.Throughout his career, Titos received numerous awards and recognition for his contributions to the arts in Mozambique. He was a member of the National Association of Mozambican Artists and served as its president from 1986 to 1991.
