Three Cities Triptych (Johannesburg)

Mixed media and casting resin
Tier 3
City & Land
© Rodney Place
The image depicts a stylized representation of the African continent rendered in a deep red texture that dominates the centre of the artwork.

A zipper runs vertically down the middle, partially unzipped to reveal a small, vividly coloured picture or scene, contrasting with the overall monochromatic red of the continent. The background comprises darker shades, creating a sense of depth and highlighting the central figure. The artwork seems to explore themes of revealing or uncovering, with the zipper acting as a metaphor for opening up the continent's depths, complexities, or perhaps hidden narratives. The texture of Africa's depiction suggests a rich, perhaps tactile quality, implying a deeper substance beyond the surface.

Rodney Place

South Africa

Rodney Place

South Africa
Rodney Place