Installation; bottle caps, copper wire (640x840cm)

"Sasa" is an installation by El Anatsui, composed of bottle caps and copper wire, exploring themes of transformation, history, and cultural identity.

"Sasa" by El Anatsui is a captivating artwork that was featured in Simon Njami's Africa Remix exhibition. El Anatsui, a renowned Ghanaian sculptor, is celebrated for his innovative use of found materials to create transformative and monumental pieces of art."Sasa" is a testament to El Anatsui's artistic vision and his ability to create breathtaking sculptures from unconventional materials.

Anatsui's creations transcend traditional categories and can be described as a fusion of sculpture and textile. His pieces are known for their immense scale, intricate details, and dynamic forms. The use of found materials reflects his concern for environmental sustainability and his interest in repurposing objects with historical significance.

Anatsui's works often evoke themes related to memory, identity, and the interconnectedness of cultures. "Sasa" carries these thematic elements as well, inviting viewers to contemplate the deeper meanings embedded within the artwork.

"Sasa" exemplifies El Anatsui's ability to push the boundaries of artistic expression, merging traditional and contemporary elements to create visually stunning and conceptually rich sculptures that leave a lasting impact on the audience.