A performance piece by Myriam Mihindou, likely delving into themes of mental health, societal norms, and personal identity.

"Folle" is a performance piece by Myriam Mihindou, a French-Gabonese artist known for integrating her body into her art and exploring connections between body, memory, identity, and territory. The performance is part of Mihindou's broader artistic approach, where she embodies spaces and depicts states of transition. Mihindou's work often involves therapeutic materials, such as cotton and glass, and creates a reciprocal choreography of performance, language, and sculpture. She engages with organic elements to form a 'sacred pharmacy,' aiming to infuse society with positivity and evoke a sense of awakening.

In her performances, Mihindou interacts with the concept of limits, expressing both division and the harmonization of opposing energies. She explores the interplay between individual and collective resonances of words and bodies, revealing the potential realization of knowledge. Her work often involves cleansing spaces, intertwining aesthetics and rituals, and confronting her experiences, with a focus on the relationships between the body, cultures, and nature.

"Folle" may also reflect Mihindou's exploration of the loss and reclamation of the French language, addressing colonial and contemporary language shortcomings, and liberating words from limitations to encourage paradoxical interpretations.