
Jellel Gasteli
Aluminum, Silver gelatine prints

The "Eclipse" series by Jellel Gasteli presents a captivating exploration of minimalism through the lens of architectural abstraction. Each image in the series is rendered in a monochromatic grayscale, focusing on the simplicity and purity of geometric forms and the subtle interplay between light and shadow. The artworks feature architectural structures that are stripped down to their essence, with clean, smooth surfaces punctuated by stark contrasts such as narrow vertical openings or deep shadows, suggesting doorways or windows into unknown depths.

The series showcases minimalistic images, each featuring what appears to be a white textured wall with a simple, clean cut-out or doorway. Through this cut-out, a portion of a curved architectural structure, possibly a dome, is visible, adding depth to the otherwise flat composition. The stark contrast between the flat wall and the shadow within the opening creates a dynamic interplay of geometric shapes, suggesting a serene and contemplative space. The textures on the wall surface contribute a tactile quality to the images, hinting at the materiality of the structures depicted.

The absence of color, focusing solely on monochromatic tones, enhances the emphasis on light and shadow. This simplicity evokes a sense of calm and serves as a study of form and architectural elements. The changing shadows in each image subtly reference the phases of the moon, adding a temporal element to the series that underscores the dynamic relationship between light, shadow, and structure.