Les Portes

Joel Andrianomearisoa


"Les Portes" is a cardboard and textile installation by Joel Andrianomearisoa, exploring themes of space, texture, and emotional landscapes.

"Les Portes" is a cardboard and textile installation by Joel Andrianomearisoa, exploring themes of space, texture, and emotional landscapes. Known as "Paravents (Screens)" in the catalogue, this artwork serves both as a physical and metaphorical barrier, inviting viewers to consider the boundaries between public and private, seen and unseen.

The installation utilizes doors as symbolic elements, representing thresholds between different spaces and the transitions that occur within African urban landscapes. "Les Portes" prompts reflection on the multifaceted dimensions of the continent's cities, exploring how urban environments shape and are shaped by the experiences of those who inhabit them. The combination of cardboard and textile materials adds a tactile quality to the work, evoking the textures and contrasts present in urban settings.

Through this installation, Andrianomearisoa delves into the complexities of identity, movement, and separation, highlighting the intersections of personal and communal spaces. "Les Portes" encourages viewers to contemplate the significance of boundaries—both literal and figurative—and how they influence our understanding of space, belonging, and the layered realities of urban life. This piece reflects Andrianomearisoa's broader artistic interest in capturing the intangible and often overlooked aspects of human experience, offering a nuanced perspective on the lived realities within African cities.

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