Bidon Arme

Romuald Hazoume


A man carrying 520 liters of petrol, emphasizing the perilous struggle for survival.

Hazouma¨, a multimedia artist from Benin, is renowned for his innovative approach to crafting masks from found objects, alongside his work in video, photography, painting, and sculpture. His artwork contrasts with traditional African community-bound masks by encapsulating a broader collective identity. This piece is part of Hazouma¨'s broader artistic journey, where he frequently addresses contemporary issues, using a diverse range of materials to create thought-provoking and socially relevant art.

Hazouma¨'s masks are emblematic of his style, merging cultural symbolism with commentary on modern societal challenges. By repurposing everyday items, he not only reflects on the nature of identity and tradition but also critiques consumerism, environmental degradation, and the complexities of globalisation. His work serves as a bridge between past and present, traditional and contemporary, inviting viewers to consider the evolving nature of cultural expression and the role of art in social discourse.

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