Religiao em Mocambique 1

Silver gelatine prints
Tier 3
City & Land
© Rui Assubuji
The image is a black and white photograph capturing a moment from what appears to be a ritual or ceremonial gathering.

In the foreground, there is a pentagram drawn on the ground, a symbol that could be part of the ceremonial context. A woman, possibly a participant or observer, is standing near the pentagram, dressed in traditional attire with multiple necklaces, her hands clasped together and a solemn expression on her face.In the background, other individuals are visible, adorned in patterned clothing, suggesting a cultural or community event. On the right side of the image, the back of a person wearing a white garment with dark symbols or letters can be seen. This figure seems to be part of the event and is walking away from the camera, adding a sense of movement to the scene.The photograph has a candid, documentary style, offering a glimpse into the cultural practices of the community depicted. The composition, with its focus on the woman and the pentagram, suggests that these elements are significant within the context of the event. The image conveys a strong sense of place and cultural identity, while the monochromatic palette emphasizes the textural details and emotional gravity of the scene.

Rui Assubuji


Rui Assubuji

Rui Assubuji