Looking for Water in the Village

Acrylic, Sculpture, Wood
Tier 2
Body & Soul
© Georges Lilanga Di Nyama
A figure with a long, curved neck, and a head that tilts backward, appearing to be in a state of howling or vocal expression.

The face of this figure is not visible from this angle, emphasizing the open mouth. The figure standing below and supporting the upper figure appears delighted, with a wide-eyed expression of joy or excitement. The ears are perked up, and the mouth is agape, as if it is laughing or cheering. This character wears patterned shorts, adding a touch of human-like apparel to its otherwise fantastical form.

Georges Lilanga Di Nyama

1940 - 2005

Georges Lilanga Di Nyama

1940 - 2005
Georges Lilanga Di Nyama