Eclipse no. 4

Aluminum, Silver gelatine prints
Tier 2
City & Land
© Jellel Gasteli
A monochromatic artwork with a minimalist aesthetic, focusing on the interplay of geometric shapes and the nuances of light and shadow.

It features a prominent, block-like form that has a texture reminiscent of plaster or painted canvas. On the front of this block, there is a deep, vertical opening that creates a stark contrast with the light surface, perhaps signifying an entrance or narrow window.The composition is calm and balanced, with a dome-like shape softly emerging from the upper part of the block, breaking the straight edges with a gentle, rounded form. This adds a subtle three-dimensionality and softness to the piece. The use of high-key tones suggests a tranquil and meditative atmosphere, inviting contemplation of the simplicity and purity of form. The understated complexity of this image lies in its textural details and the delicate gradation of shades, echoing themes of serenity, introspection, and the essence of form in space. The absence of color and the focus on form and light place the work within a contemplative, almost spiritual realm.

Jellel Gasteli


Jellel Gasteli

Jellel Gasteli