Eclipse no. 3

Aluminum, Silver gelatine prints
Tier 2
City & Land
© Jellel Gasteli
A minimalist and abstract visual, rendered in a monochromatic grayscale.

It depicts a geometric form reminiscent of an architectural structure with a clear and distinct silhouette against a textured background. A sharp vertical line on the left side, looking like a thin, dark slit, contrasts starkly with the otherwise unblemished surface, suggesting a doorway or passageway.Above this vertical element, a dome or semi-circular shape softly emerges from the straight lines, disrupting the austerity of the structure with a gentle curve. The lighting and shading are subtle, yet they emphasize the form's solidity and the composition's focus on spatial relationships.The simplicity and the high-key tonal range lend the image an ethereal and tranquil quality, drawing attention to the interplay between solidity and void, presence and absence. The image might be interpreted as exploring the concept of hidden depths beyond the apparent surface or as a study in the balance between light and shadow. The texture in the image adds a tactile quality, suggesting the image is as much about the materiality of the surface as it is about the form depicted.

Jellel Gasteli


Jellel Gasteli

Jellel Gasteli