Eclipse no. 2

Aluminum, Silver gelatine prints
Tier 2
City & Land
© Jellel Gasteli
A strikingly minimalist and textured piece that presents a segment of an architectural structure in a high-key tone.

The main feature of the image is a block-like structure with a clean, smooth surface and an austere, narrow vertical opening that appears almost as a slit against the broad expanse of the wall. Above this opening, there is a soft, dome-like form that emerges from the top of the block, adding a subtle curvature to the composition's otherwise angular lines.Rendered in grayscale, the image plays with the interplay of light and shadow, creating a strong contrast between the bright, illuminated surfaces and the deep, obscure interior suggested by the darkened opening. The simplicity of the forms and the limited tonal palette evoke a serene and contemplative mood, inviting viewers to reflect on the purity of form and the abstract interplay between space and volume.The image has an abstract, almost surreal quality, resembling the aesthetic found in some modernist or contemporary art where the focus is on the essence of form and light, stripped of any unnecessary detail. The visual texture of the wall surface gives the impression of a canvas, suggesting that the photograph blurs the line between photography and painting.

Jellel Gasteli


Jellel Gasteli

Jellel Gasteli