Eclipse no. 1

Aluminum, Silver gelatine prints
Tier 2
City & Land
© Jellel Gasteli
An abstract composition, primarily in grayscale, that captures the essence of minimalism and simplicity.

It features an architectural structure with a clean and smooth surface, a flat wall with a sharp, rectangular opening leading into darkness, creating a stark contrast with the lightness of the wall. Above the opening, a partial, curved shape suggests the dome of the structure, adding a soft element to the otherwise geometric form. The image's high-key lighting and the textural quality of the surface give it an ethereal and serene quality, emphasizing the interplay between light and shadow. The photograph might be interpreted as a meditation on space, form, and the interplay of light, serving as a visual metaphor for concepts such as emptiness, presence, and the threshold between different states or realms. The composition is reminiscent of works by artists who explore the boundaries of negative space and architectural photography.

Jellel Gasteli


Jellel Gasteli

Jellel Gasteli