Bidon Arme

C-Print, Metal, Oil Canister
380 x 110 x 110 cm
Tier 3
City & Land
© Romuald Hazoume
Bidon Arme
A man carrying 520 liters of petrol, emphasizing the perilous struggle for survival.

Hazouma¨, a multimedia artist from Benin, is renowned for crafting masks from found objects and engaging in various mediums like video, photography, painting, and sculpture. This artwork contrasts conventional African community-bound masks by encapsulating a collective identity. The piece is part of Hazouma¨'s broader artistic journey, where he often addresses contemporary issues and utilizes various materials to create thought-provoking and socially relevant art. [[1](][[2](].

Romuald Hazoume


Romuald Hazoume

Romuald Hazoume