Zoulikha Bouabdellah

Soviet Union
Bouabdellah's work critically engages with dominant representations, motifs, and ornaments, juxtaposing them against the backdrop of conflicts, sexuality, and the status of women. This deconstruction is achieved through a reflection upon culture, production, and industrialisation, inviting viewers to reconsider established narratives and symbols .

Zoulikha Bouabdellah, born in Moscow in 1977 and currently living and working between Casablanca and Paris, has cultivated a distinctive artistic practice that spans various mediums, including video, fine art, installations, and drawings. Her journey from Algiers to France in 1993, due to the civil unrest, set the stage for a profound exploration of cultural identities, geopolitical dynamics, and global issues through her art.

Bouabdellah's art often challenges and subverts traditional views, yet it does so without direct accusation. By creating works with ambiguous implications, she compels viewers to reflect critically on gender, identity, and religion. For instance, her work "Croisée-f-Crossing" (2005) encapsulates this approach by blending Islamic and Christian symbols within a single narrative, showcasing the artist's interest in the complexities and contradictions of cultural and religious coexistence. This piece, like many others, invites multiple interpretations and underscores the intricate balance between harmony and discord in diverse communities​​.

Bouabdellah has received several accolades for her contributions to contemporary art, including the Prix Meurice for Contemporary Art, Paris, and the Abraaj Capital Prize, Dubai. Her works have been exhibited in prestigious venues globally, reflecting her significant impact on the international art scene​​.
