Wim Botha

South Africa
Botha's art, often featuring deconstructed figurative monuments and figures juxtaposed with light, movement, and installation, explores themes of conflict and transformation.

Born in Pretoria in 1974, Botha graduated from the University of Pretoria with a BA (Visual Art) in 1996, and he currently resides in Cape Town.

Throughout his career, Botha has been honored with several esteemed awards, including the Helgaard Steyn Prize for sculpture in 2013, the Standard Bank Young Artist Award in 2005, and the inaugural Tollman Award in 2003.

Botha's recent solo exhibitions have taken place at various international venues, including the 21c Museum Hotel in Louisville (2020), North Carolina Museum of Art in Raleigh, and the 21c Museum Hotel in Durham (2019), the Norval Foundation (2018), Galerie Hans Mayer (2017), Feldbusch Wiesner Rudolph (2017, 2019, 2021), Fondation Blachere in Apt, France (2016), Galerie Jette Rudolph in Berlin (2015), the National Arts Festival in Grahamstown (2014), Kunstraum Innsbruck in Austria (2013), and the Sasol Art Museum, Stellenbosch, as the Stellenbosch University Wordfest Artist for 2013.
