Lara Baladi

Baladi utilizes photography, video, sound, and installations to weave together images that straddle past and present, myth and reality, with a particular focus on the Middle East and notably the Arab Spring.

Lara Baladi is an interdisciplinary artist whose work is recognized for its in-depth exploration of interactions between images and technology and how these affect visual narratives, especially in relation to social and political movements. Her involvement in the Egyptian Revolution of 2011 led her to co-found two media initiatives, Radio Tahrir and Tahrir Cinema, aiming to document and share the revolutionary experiences and expressions through various media forms. These projects reflect her commitment to using art as a means of documenting dissent and exploring the political uprisings' visual language. Baladi's work has been showcased in solo exhibitions across the globe, highlighting her significant contributions to contemporary art and the discourse on the power of visual narratives in shaping public perception and political movements.
