Amal Kenawy

1974 - 2012
She skillfully used her body, along with representations of fragile materials, animals, and objects, to express mental and physical pain, navigating the complex interplay of identity and illusion against a backdrop of memory. Kenawy's work is characterized by its deep engagement with the metaphorical dimensions hiding beneath physical reality, aiming to make the unseen visible through a range of mediums including animation, painting, drawing, and installations​​​​.

Amal Kenawy (1974–2012) was an influential Egyptian contemporary visual artist known for her work in video, performance, and feminist themes. Her career, active since 1998, earned her international recognition. Kenawy's art explored political, social, and feminist issues, focusing primarily on themes like birth, marriage, death, dreams, and memory.

Kenawy's significant contributions were recognized through several awards and her works were featured in major exhibitions, including solo shows at The Khalid Shoman Foundation, Darat Al Funun, Amman, and group exhibitions at prestigious venues such as the Palais de Tokyo, Paris, and the Sharjah Biennial. Her explorations of identity, memory, and the metaphorical underpinnings of lived experience left a lasting impact on contemporary art. Kenawy's work remains a critical part of discussions on feminist art in the Middle East, showcased in public collections and honored in retrospectives that underline her influence and legacy​​​​.
