The Young Man Hides from the Big Woman. Serial III - Vol II - B&M

Canvas, Oil paint
Tier 3
Body & Soul
© Richard Onyango
The image depicts a colorful painting showcasing two figures in a classical-style interior space that opens up to a lush landscape.

On the left, a muscular man sits leisurely on the edge of a blue fountain, surrounded by green foliage and an arch that frames the serene outdoor setting. His relaxed posture and direct gaze evoke a sense of contemplation. To the right, a woman with her back to the viewer sits on a red-patterned rug at the threshold between the interior and exterior. She is wearing white garments, and her pose is one of confident repose, highlighting the curves of her body against the backdrop of a mountainous landscape visible through the archway. The painting has a vivid, almost surreal quality, merging indoor and outdoor elements with a play on perspective and scale. It's a celebration of human form and nature, with an underlying theme of tranquility and majesty.

Richard Onyango


Richard Onyango

Richard Onyango