The Prey. Serial III - Vol II - B&M

Canvas, Oil paint
Tier 3
Body & Soul
© Richard Onyango
A large woman lying down on top of a small man, on a platform or bed with a round, swirling pattern, suggestive of motion or energy.

The background includes a blue sky and what might be foliage or mountains, giving the scene a sense of open space or outdoors. There's a contraption above the platform that adds a surreal element to the image, perhaps altering the context or meaning of the scene.The artwork has a dreamlike quality, with an emphasis on the curves and form of the female figure, and it might be exploring themes of femininity, nature, and the subconscious. The surreal elements could be inviting viewers to interpret the scene through a personal lens, evoking different emotions or thoughts based on their own experiences and perspectives.

Richard Onyango


Richard Onyango

Richard Onyango