The Feature of Law Enforcement

Graphite, Paper
Tier 3
City & Land
© Abu Bakkar Mansaray
The image shows a conceptual, hand-drawn diagram titled "The Future of Law Enforcement" with the subtitle "Abyss (Phantoms)."

It consists of various weapon-like contraptions interconnected by a complex system of cables and mechanical parts. The overall appearance suggests a fusion of disparate tools and weapons, both modern and archaic, possibly representing a critique or commentary on the progression of law enforcement methods. A prominent feature in the upper left is what resembles the outline of a prehistoric animal or dinosaur with a saw blade for a spine, suggestive of aggressive and primitive force. The central figure combines different mechanical components and is supported by a complicated network of what could be hydraulic or pneumatic elements, labelled with cryptic notations and equations. To the right, we see a stylised representation of a foot and lower leg, attached to a mechanical structure with labels pointing to specific parts, indicating function or movement. Near the bottom, a silhouette of a nuclear bomb implies extreme measures of enforcement or deterrence.The diagram is annotated with detailed text and mathematical formulas, though the handwriting is not completely legible in the image. These annotations give the impression of a technical blueprint or schematic diagram, potentially discussing the efficiency or consequences of such enforcement tools.Overall, the image is complex, filled with symbolic references to force, authority, and possibly the consequences of an over-militarised approach to law enforcement. The artistic style blends elements of dark humour with a somber critique of modern security measures.

Abu Bakarr Mansaray

Sierra Leone

Abu Bakarr Mansaray

Sierra Leone
Abu Bakarr Mansaray