Stripped Bare (V)

Tier 2
City & Land
© Otobong Nkanga
The image depicts a two-story building that is unfinished or possibly in disrepair, surrounded by dense foliage.

The roof is grey, seemingly metallic, and there are patches of rust or discoloration. The upper level is partially constructed, with incomplete walls and exposed beams, suggesting that the construction might have been halted. Vegetation encroaches on the building, almost swallowing it, indicating that it may have been left unattended for some time. The presence of scaffolding components suggests that work may have been planned or commenced but not completed. The lush greenery surrounding the structure suggests a tropical or subtropical location, and the overgrowth hints at abandonment or a lack of recent human activity. The state of the building and the overgrown nature give the scene a sense of solitude and perhaps even desolation.

Otobong Nkanga


Otobong Nkanga

Otobong Nkanga