Stripped Bare (IX)

Tier 2
City & Land
© Otobong Nkanga
This image depicts a rural landscape with rolling green hills and scattered vegetation.

In the foreground, there's an area with clumped, reddish-brown soil, which appears to be tilled or dug-up land, possibly for agricultural purposes. There is a makeshift structure covered with a blue tarp, which looks like a temporary shelter, perhaps for tools or a worker's resting spot. In the background, amidst the lush greenery, there's a distinct solitary palm tree on the left, and a dense, round-shaped tree just behind the sheltered area. The sky appears overcast, suggesting an overcast or rainy weather, which might explain the presence of the tarp cover. The entire scene conveys a sense of solitude and the simplicity of rural life, with an emphasis on the interaction between human activity and the natural environment.

Otobong Nkanga


Otobong Nkanga

Otobong Nkanga