St Georges Baghdad

Ink on textile
Tier 3
History & Identity
© Hassan Musa
The image is a vibrant and complex painting, rich in symbolism and narrative.

The central figure is a knight in full armor, riding a white horse that appears to be galloping forward. Both the knight and the horse are depicted in a highly detailed and realistic manner. The knight is bearing a flag that merges symbols of Western and Middle Eastern cultures, notably featuring the American flag.Surrounding the knight and the horse are numerous cups, all of which are suspended as if floating around them, creating a sense of magical realism. The background is a tapestry or flag with text at the top that seems to be written in French, mentioning "St. Georges," likely referencing Saint George, a legendary figure who is often depicted slaying a dragon, and "Le Dragon et le Musee," which translates to "The Dragon and the Museum." This suggests a narrative or thematic connection to historical and cultural stories of heroism and possibly to current geopolitical narratives.The border of the image is lined with a richly patterned trim, giving the impression that this is a piece of material culture, perhaps a textile or a hanging tapestry. The use of intense color, the merging of iconographies, and the intricate details all contribute to an artwork that seems to comment on the blending of cultures, the mythology of heroes, and perhaps the ongoing dialogue between the East and West. The overall effect is both dramatic and thought-provoking.

Hassan Musa


Hassan Musa

Hassan Musa