Peregrination 1

Silver gelatine prints
Tier 2
City & Land
© Ananias Leki Dago
The image depicts a figure in motion, captured in a grainy black-and-white photograph.

The subject is positioned centrally, appearing as a blurred silhouette suggesting movement, adding a ghostly or fleeting quality to the photograph. The background is indistinct, but we can make out what seems to be urban scenery viewed through window frames, likely from the interior of a vehicle or a room. On the left, there's a clear view of two windows, with the scene outside slightly more in focus than the moving figure. The environment suggests a built-up area with structures that could be parts of buildings or industrial equipment. The contrast between the motion of the figure and the static background creates a dynamic composition, hinting at a narrative of travel, transience, or the passage of time. The blurred quality of the image evokes a sense of memory or a moment slipping away.

Ananias Leki Dago

Ivory Coast

Ananias Leki Dago

Ivory Coast
Ananias Leki Dago