Money & Matter 9

Inkjet Print
Tier 2
City & Land
© Fatimah Tuggar
This collage is a juxtaposition of three separate scenes, each reflecting different aspects of everyday life.

On the left, we see a street scene with people engaging in conversation or leisure activities, such as sitting and eating. The informal setting appears to be outdoors with ruins or old walls in the background, suggesting a public gathering space in an urban or historical context.The central image is a familiar element throughout this series of collages: an ATM set within an arched stone entryway with a "WELCOME" mat in front of it. This repeated motif anchors each scene and suggests a portal or pathway between different experiences or spheres of life.On the right, we transition to a grocery store aisle with a vibrant array of fresh produce displayed. This represents commerce and the abundance of modern consumer society, a contrast to the more communal and social space depicted on the left.Overall, the image traverses from a social, possibly communal past, through the gateway of financial transactions, into the consumer-driven present, suggesting a narrative of social and economic evolution.

Fatimah Tuggar


Fatimah Tuggar

Fatimah Tuggar