Money & Matter 7

Inkjet Print
Tier 2
City & Land
© Fatimah Tuggar
The collage features a striking contrast of themes and time periods.

On the left, a figure is dressed in what appears to be a police or security uniform, with a white shirt, dark tie, and skirt, complete with a hat and sunglasses. Behind this figure is an open rural scene with traditional structures and an animal that may symbolize a peaceful, pastoral setting.The central image is the recurring ATM set into an arched stone entrance with a welcoming green mat, suggesting a transactional or commercial space that invites visitors to engage.On the right, there is a military tank positioned in what looks to be a conflict zone or battlefield, introducing a theme of war and defense juxtaposed against the tranquility suggested by the pastoral scene on the left.The collage seems to comment on the contrasts and complexities of societal roles, from the preservation of order to the implications of conflict, all connected by the central motif of the ATM as a symbol of everyday transactions amidst these varying aspects of human experience.

Fatimah Tuggar


Fatimah Tuggar

Fatimah Tuggar