Money & Matter 2

Inkjet Print
Tier 2
City & Land
© Fatimah Tuggar
This image is a collage of various elements that create a complex and juxtaposed scene.

On the left, there appears to be a figure bending over a fire, evoking a sense of urgency or distress. The center of the image shows an ATM built into a classical arched stone wall, with a green "WELCOME" mat in front of it, suggesting a doorway or entryway, which is a stark contrast to the chaotic scene on the left. To the right, there is a domestic scene with two figures, one standing and one bending forward, creating a feeling of everyday life and normalcy. The entire scene seems to comment on contrasts in experiences, possibly touching on themes of economic disparity or the intersection of daily life with moments of crisis.

Fatimah Tuggar


Fatimah Tuggar

Fatimah Tuggar