Money & Matter 1

Inkjet Print
Tier 2
City & Land
© Fatimah Tuggar
The image appears to be a collage of various elements from different settings, creating an unusual juxtaposition of scenes.

On the left, there's an image of two individuals, one older and one younger, perhaps representing a mother and child, dressed in what looks like traditional or historical European garments. They are standing in front of what seems to be a rustic structure with a thatched roof, typical of rural settings or historic periods.The central part of the collage features a classical-looking stone archway with an ATM installed within it, contrasting modern financial technology with a more ancient architectural style. Below the ATM, there's a green welcome mat, invitingly placed on the ground.To the right, the scene shifts to a more contemporary setting with a white wall and a glass door that leads into a modern building. There are also potted plants on both sides of the door, indicating a maintained entrance, possibly of a commercial space or a well-kept residence.Overall, the image brings together elements from seemingly disparate worlds — the traditional and the modern, the historical and the contemporary — suggesting a merging or clash of times and functions. It has an uncanny, almost surreal quality due to the stark contrasts between the different elements.

Fatimah Tuggar


Fatimah Tuggar

Fatimah Tuggar