Les Poids a peser (Weights for Weighing)

Felt pens, Oil crayons, Paper
Tier 1
Body & Soul
© Frédéric Bruly Bouabré
Set of 9 drawings
The image displays a collection of six individual cards or panels, each featuring a central pictographic element surrounded by text in French.

Each card appears to have a title at the top that reads "LES POIDS À PESER L'OR" which translates to "The Weights to Weigh Gold". The pictographs in the center of each card vary in design, suggesting different symbolic representations or numeric values, possibly related to the ancient system of measurement or trade. Around the pictographs is text that likely provides an explanation or context for the symbols, but it is too small to read in detail from the image. The cards themselves have a handcrafted appearance, with colored pencil or crayon used to fill in the drawings and hand-written text. The colors are muted, with earth tones and pops of blue, green, and red. The layout is consistent across all cards, suggesting they are part of a set or series.

Frédéric Bruly Bouabré

Ivory Coast
1923 - 2014

Frédéric Bruly Bouabré

Ivory Coast
1923 - 2014
Frédéric Bruly Bouabré