53 x 655 cm
Tier 2
City & Land
© Guy Tillim
Colour Photographs
The image portrays two children standing in front of a wall that carries the marks and scribbles of time, suggesting a space that has witnessed much activity, possibly a place of gathering or play.

The older child, standing straight and facing forward, wears a patterned top and a long yellow skirt, while the younger child, slightly turned to the side, dons a simpler, well-worn shirt. Their feet are bare, which may imply a sense of casualness or possibly the norms of their immediate environment.The children's gazes do not meet the camera; their expressions are solemn, providing a poignant contrast to the youthful innocence typically associated with childhood. The background wall serves as a testament to their environment, adorned with graffiti or drawings that appear almost like cave paintings of the modern era, bearing witness to the narratives and experiences of those who inhabit this space.This photograph, by freezing a moment in time, tells a silent story of resilience, environment, and the stark reality of life for these children. It evokes an emotional response, inviting contemplation on the social and cultural context it represents. The stark simplicity and the candid nature of the image offer a powerful statement on the subjects' life circumstances, reflecting themes that are both personal and universal.

Guy Tillim

South Africa

Guy Tillim

South Africa
Guy Tillim