Kunhinga Portraits: Rosalina Nahamba Holding Baby Filomena Lasinda. Her Daughter, Rosali Sindali Holds Baby Guerra

52 x 655 cm
Tier 2
City & Land
© Guy Tillim
Colour Photographs
A woman stands prominently in the foreground, engaging the viewer with direct eye contact, which can indicate a sense of presence and immediacy.

Behind her are three children, each with their own distinct expressions and postures, contributing to a layered narrative within the scene. The setting appears to be a simple room with walls that show signs of wear and markings, possibly indicating a place that holds personal or community significance.The image seems to convey a story, capturing a moment in time that might reflect aspects of daily life, community, or family. The expressions and body language of the subjects suggest a range of emotions and interpersonal dynamics that invite viewers to reflect on their own interpretations of the scene. The setting, with its textured walls and the casual attire of the individuals, hints at a candid and possibly spontaneous moment rather than a staged one. This kind of photography can often provide a window into the lives of others, encouraging empathy and understanding across different contexts and experiences.

Guy Tillim

South Africa

Guy Tillim

South Africa
Guy Tillim