Drum Player (Tocador de tambor)

Tier 2
City & Land
© Sergio Santimano
The image is a monochrome photograph showing a man on a boat.

His gaze is directed to the left as if he is looking at something out of the frame. The man appears focused or contemplative, with his arms crossed and resting on what seems to be the edge of the boat. His pose and attire give off the impression of someone who might be engaged in manual labor or work related to the boat. The backdrop of the image is a body of water, suggesting that the boat is situated in a large lake or the sea. The overcast sky and the ripples on the water surface add to the atmosphere of the image, which captures a moment that seems both serene and isolated. The photograph conveys a sense of story and context that invites the viewer to contemplate the man's circumstances, his thoughts, and his surroundings.

Sergio Santimano


Sergio Santimano

Sergio Santimano